Thirdly, and not surprisingly for an entertainment show, it shows that business can be fun! I run my own business, and I made a promise to myself when it started. I spend too much of my time working hard to not enjoy what I do, and therefore I should always try to have a good time whilst running my business. Whilst some days can be tough, frustrating and exhausting....luckily these days are the exception rather than the rule! Many people assume that business is boring, and regardless of what your industry you are in it couldn't be further from the business, the challenges you face should excite and motivate you and I believe you shouldn't feel it's just another "job to be done".
However, there are a couple of things which annoy me about the apprentice....firstly "Business Speak". Having watched the audition interviews there are a few gems already coming out! Can someone tell me what "3 dimensional approach to business" is? Would you ever go into either a job interview or meeting with a new client and call yourself the "Reflection of perfection"? Whilst for many people, this is what makes the personal option is that whilst this language is entertaining, it is ultimately not a true reflection of business. I can't imagine Lord Sugar, even with his love of the laconic put down, using language like that in a meeting, can you?
Secondly, it's the ruthlessness of some of the candidates. Whilst I understand it's a game show, it should also accurately reflect the nature of modern professional business. Shouldn't business be about collaboration between professionals, as opposed to the "dog eat dog" world of old style business practices? Whilst the timescales of the tasks don't lend themselves particularly well to building and developing long term sustainable relationships, I'd like to see the occasional nod to the fact that long term sustainable relationships are key.
However, aside from these couple of gripes, I still think "the apprentice" is unmissable TV....roll on tomorrow!
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