On bank holiday Monday we decided to leave Liverpool city centre to visit Chester Zoo. When we arrived the rain had already started and we tracked from the car park to the entrance with Cassie (with Sophie in the buggy) and I avoiding puddles and Charlotte managing to find and jump in every single one! An hour into our visit the rain was still coming down and we were still feeling pretty miserable. This was due to being quite wet, but mainly because the majority of the animals we're being more sensible than us and remained hidden away from the rain.

We stopped for a break to dry off and took some time to decide on whether to continue our trek around the zoo, or to call it a day and head off home. We decided to continue around the zoo, and even though the rain continued to come down, we had a fantastic time! Not only had the animals decided to come out into the rain we explored more of the zoo and found some fantastic gems we would have missed if we would have went home after the hour (including an animated dinosaur exhibition, the chimp enclosure and an amazing butterfly house).
By now you may be thinking, "thanks for your insight into your Easter break Chris, but I'm busy....so what's your point?!". We could have easily given up after our first hour at the zoo and decided to back to the hotel...it would have been the more comfortable option....but although we didn't know it at the time, we would have been missing out on some great experiences. In most of our businesses it is sometimes easier to give up and take the easier option (go and work for someone else)...but having the determination to persevere in your business (as long as you have been realistic about your businesses prospects) more often than not pay off in the longer term.
Whilst I'm fully aware of this, the visit to the Zoo was a nice reminder of how important this determination in both my life and business continues to be. As ever, this Blog is just a collection of my thoughts and I'm always happy to hear your opinion. So, how important is determination in your business? When have you persevered when it would have been easier not to? and can determination sometimes be counter productive and sometimes you should sometimes give up on a project when blind determination pushes you forward? So, what do you think?
We stopped for a break to dry off and took some time to decide on whether to continue our trek around the zoo, or to call it a day and head off home. We decided to continue around the zoo, and even though the rain continued to come down, we had a fantastic time! Not only had the animals decided to come out into the rain we explored more of the zoo and found some fantastic gems we would have missed if we would have went home after the hour (including an animated dinosaur exhibition, the chimp enclosure and an amazing butterfly house).
Whilst I'm fully aware of this, the visit to the Zoo was a nice reminder of how important this determination in both my life and business continues to be. As ever, this Blog is just a collection of my thoughts and I'm always happy to hear your opinion. So, how important is determination in your business? When have you persevered when it would have been easier not to? and can determination sometimes be counter productive and sometimes you should sometimes give up on a project when blind determination pushes you forward? So, what do you think?
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