So to ensure that I could never be accused of Nepotism, but mainly because I'd thought it would be quite entertaining...I decided that I'd give Charlotte a mock interview. So, the day found out about this fact I arrived home from work and set up an interview space at the dining room table. Charlotte was upstairs in her room playing with either her Moshi Monsters, Bin Weevils or GoGo Pets (I appreciate these terms will be completely foreign to many, but if you have kids of a similar age to Charlotte, you'll probably know what these are) so I called her downstairs.
Charlotte bounded down the stairs full of enthusiasm. "Yes Daddy" She said.
"So" I said "I've heard from your teacher that you want to be a principal financial solutionist".
Charlotte giggled and nodded.
"Well.....I can't just give you a job! I'll have to interview you!".

"Right....go outside, knock on the door and we'll start."
Charlotte went outside, knocked on the door and strolled in. "Hi Daddy, erm, I mean Hello Mr Daems!" which resulted in a little chuckle from me....I didn't realise she'd take this so seriously!
"So Charlotte, how can I help?"
"I'm here for the job!"
"What Job?"
"Principal Financial Solutionist!"
"Right...." I replied trying to stop myself laughing "What makes you think you'd be good at the job"
"Well" Said Charlotte after some thought "I'm good with Numbers, Good with people, and brilliant at conversations."
"Brilliant" I exclaimed not expecting such an interesting answer "Okay, so tell me about the last time you had a conversation that went really well?"
I thought this question would stump Charlotte, and initially I thought it did. She stopped talking, considered her answer and then repeated the question....

I think we can learn a lot from our children. Charlotte relished the challenge of the interview and answered every question I had for her with relative ease! She's also constantly inquisitive and loves to ask questions to help understand the world around her, as well as being (mostly) very polite. So, regardless of whether she decides to be an Actress, Footballer, Fireman or even of Principal Financial Solutionist, and if she retains her positive, curious and respectful attitude I'll continue to learn from her and will carry on being an incredibly proud dad indeed.
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