Monday 5 March 2012

The importance of professional development

Written for the GAAP web blog

We’ve got a set routine in our house.  Every day, when I come back home from a day in the office, I always try to take the time to ask my eight year old daughter the following questions.  Firstly, “How was school?”, and secondly “Tell me something new you have learned today?”

Some days she tells me she can’t remember, other days she tells me that she has learnt nothing new.  However on most days she can tell me at least one fact she knows now that she didn’t know yesterday.  Sometimes as adults we all forget how important learning is.  Life is busy with work, family and much needed time to relax.  However as professionals surely we have to take the time out of our busy schedules to continue developing our knowledge and skills?  I believe we do, and I want to share with you the reasons why.

Firstly, our clients, regardless of the profession we work in, pay us for our advice.  I’m a firm believer in ensuring that within my business, our clients receive good value for what us they pay for our service.  Therefore surely it makes sense that to ensure that we provide the best possible value, our knowledge needs to be constantly and consistently up to date.  This comes from consistent learning and taking your professional development seriously.
Let me illustrate my second point with a theoretical example.  Two candidates go to an interview for a job within their sector.  Both are absolutely equal in attitude, skills and qualification.  However there is one key difference in the two candidates, one can evidence that they have continued to learn and develop since initially qualifying and the other is unable to. 

Now, put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer...who would you pick?  Whilst I’m not arguing that being able to evidence ongoing professional development is the main factor in finding the ideal position for you, I’m sure you agree that in today’s competitive market any opportunity to stand out from the crowd should be taken. 

Thirdly face to face professional development with expert speakers provides you with a number of additional opportunities.  It allows you to network with fellow professionals, build connections, share best practice and evidence to your peers you are serious about your careers.

So, take some time out of your busy day to do what most children do as a matter of course, learn.

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